Subsea Systems

Subsea Systems Engineering
DeepStar focus is on the advancement of Subsea equipment and installation with the responsibility for analyzing existing and/or potential technology gaps and bringing them to the attention of the committee. A secondary focus is on the advancement of long-distance tieback with the goal to develop technology and qualify equipment to enable the deployment of subsea facilities for extended mile tie-backs to ultra-deepwater depth.
Flow Assurance

Flow Assurance
DeepStar topic of discussions include hydrate remediation, insulated pipelines and deepwater pigging operations with the goal to assure reliable and economic production in deepwater by the appropriate design and operation through prediction, management remediation of deposition and line plugs.
Fixed & Floating Offshore Production

Fixed & Floating Offshore Production
DeepStar committee's role is to further technology, develop integrity management protocols and fill gaps related to deepwater floating systems and their associated moorings and risers. While the MetOcean's goal is to improve knowledge and modeling capabilities of the circulation flow, which will provide more accurate facility design criteria and reduce downtime during deepwater drilling operations.
& Interventions

Drilling,Completion & Intervention
DeepStar focused topics on Drilling Operations, Drilling Intervention & Repair and Plug & Abandoment where members share their experiences and data to improve deep water drilling operations.
Autonomous Operation

Autonomous Operations
DeepStar focused topics on Autonomous Operations : Management of Safety Devices in the NUF environment,...
Autonomous Operation
Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions / Carbon Abatement
The acceleration of the energy transition, significant transformation in our industry and an unprecedented pandemic mean the world is changing significantly. The transition will require conscious investment decision in GHG abatement technologies. Offshore industry will need to develop scalable integrated solutions under a new set of standards. This focused sub-committee in this space of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Abatement will be helpful for all the DeepStar members.